Monday, March 8, 2010

Clouded Leopard

   The smallest leopard lives in Borneo and surrounding areas.

I might visit IF they really do get to eat Cheeseburgers!


  1. fascinating coloration on that bottom pic.

  2. How big are they Hans? Nothing to compare size in picture. Not as beautiful as Snow L, or as YOU.

  3. Clouded leopards, like most big cats, are nearly extinct. Do you know what extinct, Hans? Dennis thinks it means smelly, but for real it means that they're almost all gone. Think about if all the cats stopped having babies. Pretty soon, there would be none left to grow up, right? That would be pretty sad, huh?

    Don't worry, you're a house cat, and you're not going to go extinct (or Marie, or your people), but some cats and apes and turtles and other animals will probably go extinct pretty soon. It's really sad... that's why people like BillyByte, your Mom, and other good people are trying to do something to help save them!

    Clouded leopards are very rare and hard to find because they blend into the jungle so well, but they're very beautiful too. They're much smaller than African leopards and even snow leopards but still bigger than lynxes or servals. Probably a bit smaller than a mountain lion (puma), and not quite as stocky or strong.

    I'm gonna send your momma some bigger pictures of them!

  4. Thanks J and B - Justin answered your question Billy - they are bigger than me that's for sure, but I have very sharp teeth! Mom doesn't like me to bite her, actually no one seems to like it. If I ever meet a leopard though, I'll need to bite and fight or else they might eat me for a snack.

  5. And they would make the sound OM NOM NOM NOM...
