Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maxfield Parrish, artist

This is a painting that my Mama really likes.  I'm just learning about art, so I'd like your opinion on what you think about this painting, why you do or don't like it, how it makes you feel, & where on this earth is this place, what time, what temperature?  
If I added something to this picture it would be a cat.  What would you add?  Maybe a lizard lying in the sun?


  1. It looks like Sedona, Arizona, mid morning, on a nice warm Spring day. I want to go there and relax in the sun

    I would add an old steam train in the background on the other side of the river going to Flagstaff in the north where it is still cold.

    If you added a cat and a lizard, the cat would probably catch and eat the lizard, shouldn't add both.

  2. I like it. It reminds me of a small town called Heilbronn in a country called Germany which had rolling hills, trees, rivers, and mountains nearby, like the place in this painting. I think the temperature is nice and warm, but cool in the shade.

    My friend Dennis says if he had to add anything to the painting, it would probably be a herd of Dinosaurus Rexes sprinting through the valley gobbling up all the people and their livestock. And checking all the houses' refrigerators for milk.

    Dennis is a bit loony toons though. If *I* had to add anything it would be a small flock of sheep grazing in the distance, just to give it a little more feeling of life.

    Maybe sprinkle a few cows on that far hill, too.
