Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our yard!

I have to stay indoors - it's the rule, so look what I got?  Lucas took the top bunk, but I get the rest!  I love my little cubby hole and the hanging tube (underneath where I'm standing).  I have more pictures to add, but I need to find out how to cut them and blow them up.  Hey that sounds like fun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. }:8) (Dennis)
    Woo hoo hoo. You're sure right about that. One time Paul showed me how to make pipe bombs, and we went into the boys' bathroom, and...uh... wait, other people can read this right? Well, we went into the bathroom and washed our hands and faces and that was about it. I DIDN'T PUT THE PIPE DOWN THE TOILET! Besides, Paul said he wouldn't be my friend anymore if I didn't

    I have some M80s, some switchblades, and a sword too if tou want to check them out. I got them on Native Bovine reservations were they're legal.


  3. Dennis. I'm just a kitten and just kiddin'. I like your stories though 8-)

  4. The Hierarchy is established. Lucas on top. Wonder if Hans will reverse that when he gets bigger than Lucas?
    The tower is cool.

  5. I eat like a horse, Billy, so I will probably end up outside in a barn.

  6. Is there a bigger version of this picture somewhere? Hans, can you ask your mommy?
