Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Cat Mama!!

This is Tiger Lilly - she borned me and fed me until I grew up.  She's a beautiful Mama.  I haven't found my Papa yet, but I'll get his picture someday.


  1. You were borned in a pretty place. Look out the window.

  2. It's in the hills north of Auburn. I'm a country kitten.

  3. You have a very pretty mom Hans! Hey, so do I!

    Does that mean we're prelated?

  4. Does it? You're way older than me, so I think you'll be teaching me stuff.

  5. Well, I guess we're not related since you're a CAT and I'm a HUMAN. But we can still be part of the same family. People (and cats) don't have to be related for that. They just have to like each other :-)
