Coco wants to make sure you realize this is not her and she would never even consider such behavior, though she finds it quite interesting. I have noticed that she is stealing little items around the condo and hope it's only a coincidence! She is a little rebel, but this is just too extreme for her. I also know she hasn't traveled to NYC to be on the Letterman Show or Animal Planet.
Love, Hans
A domestic cat with a major case of kleptomania will lead a parade in Redwood City, California (near his hometown of San Mateo) in May. Dusty the cat burglar has become famous for his nocturnal perambulations that net all sorts of pilfered items: socks, shoes, swimsuits, balls, toys, and anything else he is capable of dragging or carrying back to his owner’s home. Many TV news stories have covered his prolific thievery resulting in a new celebrity status. Soon he will be leading the Redwood City 10th Annual Pet Parade, a yearly celebration of animals in the downtown area. It also helps raise money for the Peninsula Humane Society.
Some of the items Dusty stole will be auctioned to raise money for the Humane Society, where Dusty was adopted from. So he is giving back to the organization that cared for him. Dusty is the only literal cat burglar to have appeared on the national news. On any given night Dusty roams his neighborhood looking for things to steal. Sometimes he nabs one or two items, but he has been known to steal as many as a dozen. He has been featured on Animal Planet, and local news stories. He even has appeared on David Letterman for an interview with his owners, Jean Chu and Jim Coleman.
Chu actually documented many of his catches, so she believes he has acquired well over 500 items. One explanation for the kleptomania of cats, which is somewhat common, is that it takes place in urban areas, where they don’t have their hunting instinct fulfilled, so they resort to taking things that are available. The term is misdirected predation. The behavior is considered by some to be incurable, so Dusty may continue stripping the neighborhood of undergarments and toys for years.
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Looks like Coco to me!