Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Photos from Coco

Hi People - I love Mama's computer and I'm glad to share Hans' Blog - he doesn't mind.
I like to have my picture taken - I try to stay still - sometimes it's just impossible - I want to run and jump on Hans and bite his ears...he likes it!

Here we are snuggled up - I love Hans' fur and could sleep on it all day.

This one makes me look as big as Hans!!
Hans likes to sleep, but I get him playing!
Right now I'm giving him a break.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bigger Boy Hans

Hello!  I'm about 13 lbs but I look bigger,
I have a lot of soft hair like a bunny
 from what I've been told.  
I know 2 cats, 3 dogs, and 5 fish,
and a variety of humans.

Here's my girl, Coco Chanel,
but I think she's a Coco Nut!
She's growing a little bit every day.
I think Mama woke her out of her beauty sleep
 with the Click sound - she doesn't look too happy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1959ish - new pet in town

 Mama in the hood, Giraffaroo,
 Gramps, and Ronnie
between house and garage.
Giraffaroo seems happy, 
though he's made out of cardboard.
He should see the Wizard of OZ
for new skin and fur
and maybe a pair of Underoos!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1950's Cat, Jebu from Torrance, California

Jebu in the Papasan Chair
He's cute.  Looks like he has BACON!!!

Granma Evie, Jebu, and Mama
1958 maybe - hey on the table!!
special privilege for photo I hope!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Boy Cat meets Elf Girl

We just met in the ancient oak tree.
She's Yvanna and she's a Elf.  I thought she was a people,
but she told me she wasn't though she looked the same.  
The difference was her skin color ~ mossy green.
Another was her ears ~ like a lynx.
Her eyes were greener than any green I had ever seen.
She spoke in a whisper and she likes to hide,
so she's good at playing games.
I think I'm in love, but I'm suddenly shy.